See Concept Map

If the flow speed changes along a path in a fluid in steady flow, the pressure of the fluid changes (it rises if the speed decreases). Pressure change and speed change are related.
This is often called the Bernoulli relation.
In a fluid in a gravitational field, the pressure rises downward (it decreases upward). Pressure changes are related to changes in height.
Pumps are used to raise the pressure of the fluid in the directions of flow. Pressure change and flow are related. The relation between flow and pressure rise is called pump characteristic.
If the flow of a fluid is to be increases (made stronger in the course of time), a pressure difference is needed. Conversely, when the flow becomes weaker, a pressure difference is set up. Pressure differences and rates of change of flow are related.
The phenomenon described here is called induction. The relation between rates of change of flow and inductive pressure differences is called inductive characteristic.
If hydraulic systems contain only resistive and capacitive elements (and pumps), the simplest form of behavior found is exponential decay or exponential adjustment to a new level. Oscillation is not possible. Such systems are called RC-systems.
If a hydraulic system contains resisitve and inductive elements (and pumps), the same type of behavior is observed as in RC-Systems. If a system contains capacitive and inductive elements, it may show oscillatory behavior (RCL-sytems).

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