CHAPTER 2: From Model Structure to System Behavior
Dynamics is the result of the storage, flow, and production of certain easily visualized quantities. That was the message of Chapter 1 and we saw how models of processes could be built upon this image.
Here we will take a closer look at a series of models from the simplest possible to some more complex ones. This will allow us to realize how different types of dynamicsfrom simple growth or decay to complex oscillationsemerge as a consequence of different model structures. Here is the second message of system dynamics modeling: the behavior of a system is the consequence of its (model) structure. The models discussed here are available in the CBT unit. They are listed at the end of Chapter 2 of the CBT unit in Section 2.8.
Single Containers and Populations 61
Limits of Growth in a Single Population 64
Migration and Chains of Containers 65
A Population and a Non-Renewable Resource 71
Delays and Induction 72
Oscillations 76
Three Populations and Complexity 80
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