Multiple paths to learning…
At the very beginning, you can study Cases to get motivated for what to do in this chapter. At the end, when you feel confident, you can come back to one of the Cases and work on it. Turn it into a project.
View and study some of the phenomena listed here in the Overview. You can study the phenomena along with reading about them in the text.
Learn how to model dynamical systems as quickly as possible. Use the path outlined in Chapter_01_Modeling.pdf. You can use modeling as a path to learning (as an alternative to the standard approach of using a text, i.e., reading and problem solving).
Learn to work with temporal patterns (time series).
Temporal Patterns
Read the Brief Text of Chapter 1. Try to do some of the Exercises to test your understanding of the text.
The Activities section gives you access to different types of things to do. There are Problems (small investigations, typically the type of questions that arise in large-scale investigations, sometimes requiring data analysis and computer modeling), and Investigations (activities based on experiments and computer modeling).
In this section, you find a List of Concepts of Fluid Processes. This allows you to quickly get an overview of the most important ideas governing the modeling of fluid systems and processes.
Turn to the Materials environment to find tables of physical quantities, lists of relations, and lists of files used in this chapter.