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Corni F., Fuchs H. U., Dumont E. (2017): Conceptual metaphor in physics education: Roots of analogy, visual metaphors, and a primary physics course for student teachers. GIREP Conference, Dublin, July 2017.
Corni F., Fuchs H. U., Savino G. (2017): An Industrial Educational Laboratory at Ducati Foundation: Narrative Approaches to Mechanics Bases Upon Continuum Physics. International Journal of Science Education. doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2017.1407886
Fuchs H. U. (2017): Metaphors and Myth: The Roots of Analogical Structures in Macroscopic Physical Science. A contribution to the Symposium on Conceptual Metaphor in Physics Education (F. Corni, H. U. Fuchs). GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. July 3-7, 2017. Slides.
Contini A, F. Corni, A. Landini, H. U. Fuchs, E. Dumont: From Metaphors to Narratives in Macroscopic Physical Science: Stories of Forces of Nature for Young Children and their Teachers. Look Both Ways: Narrative & Metaphor in Education. Conference 2017, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. Slides.
Fuchs H. U. (217): Mythos im Modell – wie uns Metaphern und Erzählungen Natur und Naturwissenscha: näher bringen. Abschiedsvorlesung, 3. Mai, 2017.
Contini A., F. Corni, H. U. Fuchs, E. Dumont: Metaphor and Narrative in Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Part II – From Metaphor to Narrative in Macroscopic Physical Science. Fourth Conference on Innovation in Science Education in Primary School and Kindergarten: At the Crossroads of Science and Humanities. Department of Education and Humanities University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, December 2-3, 2016. Slides.
Fuchs H. U.: Myth and Narrative in Macroscopic Physical Science. Faculty of Education University of Bolzano at Bressanone, November 30, 2016. Slides.
Fuchs H. U.: Narrative Framing of Natural Scenes— Stories of Forces of Nature and a Model of Perception at Different Scales. Invited talk at the Symposium at the Narrative, Cognition & Science Lab, October 2016, Center for Literature and Natural Science, University of Erlangen. Slides.
Fuchs H. U.: The grammar of exchanges in natural dynamical systems: An example of narrative science communication. Networks: The Grammar of the Exchanges Between Local and Global. A UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve Workshop, Lesignano Bagni, Italy, September 9-10, 2016.
Fuchs H. U. (2016): Complex dynamical systems: Ephemeral mechanisms and narrative in science dynamical models and the issue of explanation versus prediction. Invited talk to an ESERA SIG Mini Conference on Science | Environment | Health. Weggis, Switzerland, August 2016. Slides.
Corni F., E. Dumont,  H. U. Fuchs, E. Schütz: The Energy Principle in a Model of Electric Braking of a Flywheel. Poster. GIREP Conference, Cracow, Poland. Poster.
Fuchs H. U., F. Corni, E. Dumont: Narrative Framing of Natural Scenes— Narrative Minds in Science. A Contribution to the Symposium Neural, narrative, embodied, and emergent perspectives and potential synergies in understanding students’ conceptions and conceptual change (D. E. Brown). 10th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Florina, Greece, June 2016. Slides.
Fuchs H. U.: The Dynamics of Heat. A Unified Approach to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. Graduate Texts in Physics. (2nd ed.) Springer, New York. Published in license by Beijing World Publishing Corp., China.
Fuchs H. U.: From Stories to Scientific Models and Back: Narrative Framing in Modern Macroscopic Physics.  International Journal of Science Education, 37(5-6), 934–957. doi:10.1080/09500693.2015.1025311.
Fuchs H. U.: A Direct Entropic Approach to Uniform and Spatially Continuous Dynamical Models of Thermoelectric Devices. A Review Article. Energy harvesting Systems, 3-4, 1-13.
Fuchs H. U. (2014a): Dal pensiero mitico alla conoscenza della natura. In T. Altiero and F. Corni (eds.): Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria e dell’infanzia: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche. di AA. VV.,  Universitas Studiorum, Mantova: Italia. (2nd conference in Modena and Reggio Emilia) English version: Fuchs, H. U. (2012a): From Mythic Thought to an Understanding of Nature.
Corridoni T., D'Anna M. and Fuchs H. U. (2014): Damped Mechanical Oscillator: Experiment and Detailed Energy Analysis. The Physics Teacher 52, 88-90.
Corridoni T., D'Anna M. and Fuchs H. U.: Experiments and Models in Rolling Motion: Momentum, Angualr Momentum, Energy, and Dissipation.
Fuchs H. U.: When science needs conceptual change—What thermodynamics tells us about continuity of conceptualizations. EARLI: 9th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Bologna, Italy, August 26-29, 2014. Slides.
Dumont E., Fuchs H. U., Maurer W., Venturini F.: From forces of nature to the physics of dynamical systems. EARLI: 9th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Bologna, Italy, August 26-29, 2014.
Füchslin R. M., Dumont E., Flumini D., Fuchs H. U., Hauser H., Jaeger C., Scheidegger S., Schönenberger – Deuel J., Lichtensteiger L, Luchsinger R., Weyland M.: Morphological Control: A Design Principle for Applications in Space Science. Accepted by the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.
Fuchs, H.U. (2013d): From image schemas to narrative structures in sciences. Contribution to the symposium on Conceptual metaphor and embodied cognition in science learning. Proceedings of the ESERA Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2013.
Fuchs, H.U. (2013c): The narrative structure of continuum thermodynamics. Proceedings of the ESERA Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2013.
Corni F., Giliberti E. and Fuchs, H.U. (2013): Student teachers writing science stories: A case study. Proceedings of the ESERA Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2013.
Stephan Scheidegger S., Fuchs H. U., Zaugg K., Bodis S. and Füchslin R. M. (2013): Using State Variables to Model the Response of Tumour Cells to Radiation and Heat: A Novel Multi-Hit-Repair Approach. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 587543.
Fuchs, H.U. (2013b). Costruire e utilizzare storie sulle forze della natura per la comprensione primaria della scienza. In F. Corni (Ed.): Le scienze nella prima educazione, Erickson, Trento, Italy, pp. 59-84. English version in 2012.
Fuchs, H.U. (2013a). Il significato in natura. Dalle strutture schematiche alle strutture narrative della scienza. In F. Corni (Ed.): Le scienze nella prima educazione, Erickson, Trento, Italy, pp. 11-33. English version in 2012.
Fuchs, H. U. (2012c): Designing and Using Stories of Forces of Nature for Primary Under-standing in Science. English version of an essay to be published by Editrice La Scuola, Brescia, Italy.
Fuchs, H. U. (2012b): Meaning in Nature — From Schematic to Narrative Structures of Science. English version of an essay to be published by Editrice La Scuola, Brescia, Italy.
Fuchs, H. U. (2012a): From Mythic Thought to an Understanding of Nature. Invited talk at the 2nd conference "Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche", Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 2012.
F. Corni, H.U. Fuchs, E. Giliberti, C. Mariani (2014). Primary School Teachers: Becoming Aware of the Relevance of their own Scientific Knowledge. In: Proceedings of The World Conference on Physics Education 2012. Pegem Akademi Istanbul. p. 1063-1072.
Mariani C., Corni F., Fuchs H. U. (2011): A didactic approach to and curricular perspectives of the construction of the energy concept in primary school. GIREP_EPEC Conference, August 2011, Jyvaskylla, Finland.
Fuchs, H. U., Corni, F., Giliberti, E., Mariani C. (2011). Force Dynamic Gestalt of Natural Phenomena: Teaching the Concept of Energy. The biannual conference of the European Science Education Research Association ESERA 2011 Lyon, France.
Fuchs H. U. (2011a): Force Dynamic Gestalt, Metaphor, and Scientific Thought. Atti del Convegno "Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche", Ed. Artestampa, Modena.
Fuchs H. U.: The Dynamics of Heat. A Unified Approach to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. Springer, New York, 2010.
Fuchs H. U. (2010e): Kann man Thermodynamik verstehen? Kolloquiumsvortrag, IDP und ZAMP, ZHAW Winterthur.
Fuchs H. U. (2010d): Origin of analogical reasoning in physics. Contribution to the Symposium on Analogies: A Key to Understanding Physics, F: Herrmann (chairman). GIREP-ICPE_MPTL International Conference 2010, August 22-27, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, Reims, France.
Fuchs H. U. (2010c): Introductory Chemical Dynamics—Using the Chemical Potential From the Start. Rev. Cub. Fis. 27 (2A), 119-124.
Fuchs H. U. (2010b): Force Dynamic Gestalt, Metaphor, and Scientific Thought. Invited talk at the conference "Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche", Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 12-13 November 2010. Slides
Fuchs H. U. (2010a): Quantity, Intensity, and Power of Heat. A Direct Approach to a Dynamical Theory of Heat. Invited talk at the Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 12 Novembre 2010. Slides
Fuchs H. U. (2009b): Figurative Structures of Thought in Science. An Evolutionary Cognitive Perspective on Science Learning. Talk presented to the General Assembly of the Conférence des directeurs de gymnase de Suisse Remande et du Tessin, Mendrisio, September 18, 2009.
… Slides.
Fuchs H. U. (2009a): Introductory Chemical Dynamics—Using the Chemical Potential From the Start. An Informal Introduction to Chemical Processes. V Taller Iberoamericano de Enseñanza de la Física Universitaria. Universidad de La Habana, January 26-30, 2009. Slides
D'Anna M., H.U. Fuchs, P. Lubini (2008): System Dynamics Modeling: From Mechanics to Chemistry. A Dynamical Model of Mutarotation of Glucose. GIREP Conference, Nicosia.
Fuchs H. U. (2008): Erzählen und Argumentieren in den Naturwissenschaften: Figuratives Denken und figurative Sprache in der Physik. Vortrag am IAM, ZHAW. Slides.
Fuchs H. U. (2007b): From Image Schemas to Dynamical Models in Fluids, Electricity, Heat, and Motion. An Essay on Physics Education Research.
Fuchs H. U. (2007a): Modellieren dynamischer Systeme als Lernwerkzeug. Wie sich Lernen und Lehren ändern können. Beispiele aus der Hydraulik. Slides. Vortrag an der DPG-Lehrerfortbildung Strömungslehre, 25.06-29.06, 2007, Bad Honnef.
Fuchs H. U. (2006f): System Dynamics Modeling in Science and Engineering. Invited Talk at the System Dynamics Conference at the University of Puerto Rico Resource Center for Science and Engineering, Mayaguez, December 8-10, 2006.
… Slides.
Fuchs H. U. (2006e): Workshop on System Dynamics Modeling. SEFI Physics Working Goup, Basel, November 11, 2006.
Fuchs H. U. (2006d): A System Dynamics Model of a Peltier Device. Invited Workshop at the System Dynamics in Science Workshops, Mote Verita, Ascona, October 18-21
Fuchs H. U. (2006c): The Concept of Heat from the Accademia del Cimento to Sadi Carnot. Invited Workshop at the Physics Didactics Conference Università “Federico II” di Napoli, September 28-30, 2006. Slides.
Fuchs H. U. (2006b): Differences and Change and the Karlsruhe Physics Course. Invited Talk at the Physics Didactics Conference Università “Federico II” di Napoli, September 28-30, 2006. Slides.
…Slides Italian version.
Fuchs H. U. (2006a): System Dynamics Modeling in Fluids, Electricity, Heat, and Motion. GIREP Invited Talk, Amsterdam. In E. van den Berg, T. Ellermeijer, O. Slooten: Modeling in Physics and Physics Education. Proceedings of the GIREP Conference 2006, August 20-25, Amsterdam. (ISBN 978-90-5776-177-5)
… Slides.
Fuchs H. U. (2005b): Metaphern machen Physik—Welche Beziehung haben Wörter zur Welt? Kolloquiumsvortrag. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur, 2005.
Fuchs H. U., T. Borer, P. Frommenwiler, H. Knoll, G. Kopacsy, W. Maurer, E. Schütz, K. Studer: Physik. Ein systemdynamischer Zugang für die Sekundarstufe II. 2. Auflage, h.e.p. Verlag, Bern, Switzerland, 2005.
Fuchs H. U.(2005a): Vom Wasser zur Elektrizität zur Wärme. Analogien und anschauliche Wärmelehre. WB Veranstaltung, KZO, Dezember 2005. Slides.
Fuchs H. U.: Physik als Systemwissenschaft. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur, 2004.
Fuchs H.U., G. Ecoffey, E. Schuetz: Physics — An Integrated System-dynamics Learning Environments. Part IV: The Dynamics of Heat, June 2002.
Fuchs H. U. (2002b): Heat and constitutive relations in adiabatic and isothermal compression of air: An investigation of student reasoning.
Fuchs H. U. (2002a): A simple continuum model leading to the reciprocity relation for thermoelectric effects. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur.
Fuchs H. U.: Modeling of Uniform Dynamical Systems. A System Dynamics Approach. Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich, 2002. ISBN 3-280-02771-3.
Fuchs H. U., R. Ernst, P. Fuchs, M. Ilg: Integrated System-dynamics Learning Environments (ISLEs). Project Report 2000. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur, July 2001.
Fuchs H. U. (2001): Learning, Learning Cycles, and Learning Environments. Talk at the Reutlingen Tagung, Center for Mathematics, ZHAW.
Hartmann P., H. Juzi, H. U. Fuchs, et al.: Sommersonne für den Winterspeicher — ein Traum? Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt, 118 (Nr. 14, April, 2000), 4–8.
Fuchs H. U.: Integrated System-dynamics Learning Environments (ISLEs): Combining system dynamics modeling with the learning of physics. Invited talk, Memorias V Simposio de Investigadores en Educacion en Fisica. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina. October 18-20, 2000. Abstract
Borer T., P. Frommenwiler, H. U. Fuchs, H. Knoll, G. Kopacsy, W. Maurer, E. Schütz, K. Studer, U. Walker: Physik. Ein systemdynamischer Zugang für die Sekundarstufe II. Sauerlaender Verlag, Aarau, Switzerland, 2000.
Fuchs H. U. (1999c): A Systems View of Natural Processes: Teaching Physics the System Dynamics Way. The Creative Learning Exchange 8, No.1, 1999.
Fuchs H. U. (1999b): Optimization in a Simple Model of the Earth’s Atmosphere. Paper presented at the Department of Physics Didactics, University of Karlsruhe.
Fuchs H. U. (1999a): Second Law Analysis of an Air-Cooled Solar Collector. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur.
Fuchs H. U.: The Continuum Physics Paradigm in physics instruction III. Using the Second Law. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur.
Fuchs H. U. (1997c): The Continuum Physics Paradigm in physics instruction II. System dynamics modeling of physical processes. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur.
Fuchs H. U. (1997b): The Continuum Physics Paradigm in physics instruction I. Images and models of continuous change. Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur.
Fuchs H. U. (1997a): The Missing Link: Introductory Continuum Physics for Engineering Students. Paper presented at the First European Conference on Physics Teaching in Engineering Education (PTEE 1997) in Kopenhagen, Denmark.
Fuchs H. U.: The Dynamics of Heat. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996. ISBN 0-387-94603-9
Fuchs H. U.: Solutions Manual for The Dynamics of Heat. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996. ISBN 0-387-94869-4
Fuchs H. U. and Simon M.: Teaching building simulation with the help of general purpose dynamical modeling software. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Building Simulation, Madison, Wisconsin.
Simon M. and Fuchs H. U.: System Dynamics in engineering education. Proceedings of the International System Dynamics Conference, Tokyo.
Fuchs H. U.: COLFINEL. A collocation finite element solver for boundary value problems in one spatial dimension. Department of Physics, University of York, England.
Fuchs H. U.: Modern Classical Physics for Engineering Students. In Melezinek A.: Technik lehren – Technik lernen. 17th International Symposium of Ingenieurpädagogik, Basel. Leuchtturm-Verlag, Alsbach.
Fuchs H. U. (1987c): Entropy in the teaching of introductory thermodynamics. Am. J. Phys. 55, 215–219, 1987.
Fuchs H. U. (1987b): Do we feel forces? In J.D. Novak ed.: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, Vol.III, p. 152–159. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1987.
Fuchs H. U. (1987a): Thermodynamics – A 'misconceived' theory. In J.D. Novak ed.: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, Vol.III, p. 160–167. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1987.
Fuchs H. U.: A surrealistic tale of electricity. Am. J. Phys. 54, 907–909, 1986.
Smith R. L., Fuchs H. U. (1977): On the use of collocation methods for the construction of stellar models. Astrophysics and Space Science 50, 63-73.
Fuchs H. U. (1975b): Zur Geschichte der Ideen über die Wirkung der Schwerkraft auf das Licht. Orion 33 (151), 183-193.
Fuchs H. U. (1975a): Messung der Lichtgeschwindigkeit nach Ole Roemer. Orion 33 (148), 75-80. Nachtrag, Orion 33 (149), 120-122.
Fuchs H. U. (1974b): Pierre Simon Laplace's "Schwarze Löcher". Orion 32 (144), 182-188.
Fuchs H. U. (1974b): Frühe Spektralanalyse von Fraunhofer bis Kirchhoff. Orion 32 (142), 98-102.
